Public offer

Terms of sale of goods and/or ordering services remotely via the website

This public Contract between Individual Entrepreneur Polkovskaya Olena Gennadiyevna (Ukraine), hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor" and the user of the website services, hereinafter referred to as the "Customer" is a contract of sale of goods and/or ordering services remotely and defines the main terms of ordering, purchasing, and delivery of goods or services via the website The Customer, acting to purchase Goods and/or order Services, accepts the terms of this Contract (in the future – the Contract) under the following conditions.


1.1. Public Offer (hereinafter - "Offer") - a public offer of the Contractor, addressed to an indefinite number of persons, to conclude a contract of sale of goods and/or ordering services remotely (in the future - "Contract") on the terms contained in this Offer. 1.2. Order - the Customer's decision to order a product and its delivery and/or Service, made on the website, and/or a mandate for purchasing and delivering goods or services. 1.3. Website - the Internet site, which the Contractor uses on property rights or another online platform that the Contractor will operate at its discretion per the relevant Contract. 1.4. Acceptance of the Offer - full and unconditional acceptance of the Offer by carrying out actions for 100% prepayment of goods or services. By making such a payment, the Customer confirms his acquaintance and Agreement in full with the current terms of this Offer.1.5. Contractor - Individual Entrepreneur Polkovskaya Olena Gennadiyevna. 1.6. Customer - a person who has made the Acceptance of the Offer on the terms set out in it. 1.7. Course, guide, or other product of the Contractor - informational materials of the Contractor, available for purchase by the Customer.


2.1. The information provided below is an official offer (proposal) by the Contractor to any individual (starting now referred to as the Client) to enter into a contract for the sale and/or Order of goods and services. The said Contract is public; according to Article 633 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, its terms are the same for all Clients.
2.2. Following Article 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, the complete and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this proposal (Offer), confirming the conclusion of the Contract for the sale and/or Order of Goods and Services under the terms proposed below, is the fact of the placing and confirmation of the Order by accepting the Offer.
2.3. By placing an Order, the Client confirms their Agreement and unconditional acceptance of the terms of this proposal (Offer).
2.4. By entering into this Contract, the Client confirms the following:
a) The Client is fully acquainted with and agrees to the terms of this proposal (Offer);
b) The Client consents to collect, store, process, and transfer personal data to third parties under the conditions specified below (in the future collectively referred to as permission for processing and/or processing). The consent for processing personal data is the voluntary expression of the Client as an individual and is valid throughout the term of the Contract, as well as indefinitely after its expiration, unless the Client has additionally specified the time for processing his data or informed the Contractor of the need for their deletion. In addition, by concluding the Contract, the Client confirms that they are told (without additional notification) about the rights established by the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data," about the purposes, objectives of data collection and processing and that their data is transferred to the Contractor for the Contractor being able to fulfill the terms of this Contract, the possibility of making mutual settlements, as well as receiving invoices, acts, and other documents. The Client also agrees that the Contractor has the right to provide access and transfer their data to third parties without any additional notifications to the Client, without changing the purpose of processing personal data. Access to personal data is not provided to a third party if this person refuses to take on the obligation to fulfill the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" or cannot provide it. Processing of personal data about racial or ethnic origin, political, religious, or ideological beliefs, membership in political parties and trade unions, as well as data related to health or sex life (special categories of data), is prohibited and cannot and will not be conducted. The scope of the Client's rights as a subject of personal data per the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Personal Data" is known and clear to him. The Client can change (update, supplement) the personal data provided by them or their part, as well as the parameters of their confidentiality, and ask the Client for the complete deletion of part or all of their personal data from the Site's database. The database of personal data is located at the Contractor's address. The Contractor takes appropriate measures to protect against loss, theft, unauthorized destruction, distortion, counterfeiting, and copying of information and meets the current standards. The Contractor's responsible person organizes the work related to protecting personal data during their processing, according to the law. Cookies and anonymous identifiers are used on the Site. The Client's interaction with the Site, including if they remain on it, confirms that the Client does not object to their use.


3.1. The price for each Goods and Services item is indicated on the Site.
3.2. The Contractor has the right to change the price for any item of Goods or Services, which does not require additional notification to the Client or Agreement with them.
3.3. The Contractor is not allowed to change the price of the Goods and/or Services that have been paid for by the Client.
3.4. The cost of delivering the Goods is not included in the Price of the Goods and is paid separately according to the postal or courier Service rates, determined according to the Order.
3.5. The Client's obligations to pay for the Goods and/or Order of Services are considered fulfilled when the Contractor receives the funds in full.
3.6. Settlements between the Contractor and the Client for the Goods and/or Services are made in ways specified on the Site.


4.1. The Client makes the Order of Goods and/or Services through the Site.
4.2. When ordering on the Site, the Client is obliged to provide the following registration information by filling in the corresponding data in the registration form on the Site:
4.2.1. surname, name of the Client or the person specified by him (recipient);
4.2.2. City and number of the "Nova Poshta" branch where the Goods should be delivered;
4.2.3. email address;
4.2.4. contact phone;
4.2.5. Instagram nickname.
4.3. The name, quantity, and price of the Goods and/or Services chosen by the Client are indicated in the Client's basket on the Contractor's Site.
4.4. If the Contractor needs additional information, he has the right to request it from the Client. In case of non-provision of necessary information by the Client, the Contractor is not responsible for non-execution of the Order or non-provision of Service to the Client when purchasing goods and/or services on the Site.
4.5. The Client is responsible for the accuracy of the information provided when placing an Order. In case of its change or detection of inaccuracies, regardless of the reasons, the Client is obliged to notify the Contractor in advance.
4.6. The Agreement between the Contractor and the Client is considered concluded remotely from the moment of payment for the Goods and/or Order of Services and the Contractor's receipt of such payment.


5.1. The methods, orders, and terms of delivery of goods are indicated on the Site. 5.2. The property rights and the risk of accidental loss or damage to the physical goods pass to the Client when the Goods are handed over to the respective postal or courier Service. 5.3. The delivery of goods is carried out with the involvement of third parties (postal or courier Service). 5.4. When receiving the goods, the Client must check the compliance of the Goods with the quality and quantity characteristics (name of the goods, quantity, completeness) in the presence of a postal or courier Service representative. 5.5. The Client or the Client's Representative confirms by his/her signature in the goods check and\or Order for the delivery of goods that he/she has no claims to the number of goods, external appearance, and completeness of goods. 5.6. Special features of providing Services under this Agreement:The Goods or Services transferred to the Client in electronic form are considered provided by the Contractor in full from the moment a link is sent to the email address indicated by the Client to download a file and/or to access the corresponding resource with the course information, guide, or other Contractor's product.
Online Decorating 2) The online decorating service is considered fully provided by the Contractor to the Client from the moment a link with information about the Service is sent to the email address specified by the Client in the Order and the end of the support period for the corresponding package chosen by the Client when ordering.3) The Parties recognize the details specified by the Client for the online decorating service as technical conditions, and in case of their change, the Client must inform the Contractor in advance before sending him/her the information. If the Client changes the technical conditions after the Contractor has sent the data, the Client agrees that his/her request, in this case, is considered a new Order.4)Discounts, promotions, sales (in the future - discounts) - when choosing a service from the list of links for purchasing necessary goods with discounts, the Contractor, providing such information, cannot and does not bear responsibility for the terms, duration of deals from relevant sellers/suppliers/contractors, as well as for the availability of goods with discounts for sale.5) The Client gives his/her consent to the Contractor, which does not require additional Agreement in another way:to use information about the provided Services, their essence, content, and/or professional solutions on the resources determined by him/her, without indicating the Client's data,to use photos regarding the Contractor's Services, taken by him/her or provided by the Client.
Turnkey Decorating 6) For a turnkey decorating service, the Contractor involves an independent specialist whose contacts are provided to the Client (in the future referred to as the Decorator). Such a Decorator will contact the Client after receiving and reviewing the Order filled by the Client. The Contractor is not responsible to the Client for the services provided by the Decorator, and the latter independently agrees on the terms of their provision.


6.1. The Customer has the right to refuse the goods before receiving them.
6.2. The return of goods is carried out by the Law of Ukraine "On Consumer Rights Protection."


7.1. The Contractor is not responsible for damage caused to the Customer due to improper use of Goods and/or Services purchased from the Contractor.
7.2. The Contractor is not responsible for improper, untimely execution of Orders and its obligations if the Customer provides false or erroneous information.
7.3. The Contractor and the Customer are responsible for fulfilling their obligations by the current legislation of Ukraine and the provisions of this Agreement.


8.1. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete non-performance of obligations under this Agreement if this non-performance is the result of circumstances of irresistible force (force majeure circumstances), which arose after the conclusion of this Agreement and made it impossible to fulfill obligations under the terms of this Agreement. These circumstances include but are not limited to, emergencies of a technogenic, natural, or environmental nature, power supply system accidents, destruction of these systems caused, in particular, by earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, etc., prolonged absence of electricity and the internet for reasons independent of the parties, military actions, riots, strikes, mass disturbances, disorder, and other illegal acts, as well as the health condition of the Contractor (and/or webinar host), flood, fire, anti-terrorist operations, earthquake and other natural disasters, war, military actions, uncontrollable, illegal actions and acts of vandalism by third parties, revolutionary activities, public disturbances, acts or actions of government bodies, adoption of legal or sub-legal acts directly affecting the possibility of parties fulfilling the terms of this Agreement, and any other extraordinary circumstances.
8.2. The term for fulfilling obligations under this Agreement is postponed for the period during which these circumstances and their consequences were in effect.
8.3. If force majeure circumstances and their consequences persist for more than six months, the Parties must conduct negotiations as soon as possible to identify alternative ways of fulfilling the terms of this Agreement that are acceptable to both Parties and reaching appropriate written agreements.


 9.1. The Customer guarantees that all the terms of the Offer are clear to them, and they accept them unconditionally and in whole, without any conditions, exclusions, or reservations. The Customer acknowledges that the Contractor can change the terms of this Offer, which does not require additional Agreement with them and/or notification about it, and the Customer undertakes to familiarize themselves with the current Offer independently.
9.2. In a case not regulated by this Agreement, the Parties undertake to be guided by the norms established by the current legislation of Ukraine.
9.3. The Contractor under this Agreement is O.G. Polkovska Individual Entrepreneur and/or someone with the right to provide Services under this Agreement.
9.4. This Agreement is subject to Ukrainian law.